Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Feather Project

So here is my first feather project. I took a headband I got from Claire's for about a dollar and glued the peacock feathers to it. The feathers were already glued to a felt pad, and arranged as you can see in the post below. This is nice as it means I don't have to glue the feathers individually.

However, as I was gluing the pad onto the headband, I got some glue on the feathers! That's me being impatient again. So I had to get two more peacock feathers and insert them to cover up the feathers that got discolored by the dried glue.

Here I am modeling my crafty head gear.



ajjah said...

this is cute!!

Kraken said...

You are so sweet, thanks!

Unknown said...

Awesome... like a fox!

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